Here are your results for Day collected from 10,000 Frank and Ernest comic strips. These are available for you to license for books, magazines, newsletters, presentations and websites.
You might also be interested in Frank and Ernest about:24 hours, bad days, calendars and calendaring, day camps, a day late and a dollar short, day trading, earth days, election days, father's days, first days, first day of school, first day of the rest of your life, Fridays, glory days, good days, groundhog day, having a nice day, how was your day, hump days, independence days, Labor Day, leap days, longest day of the year, May Day, Mondays, Mother's Day, nights, opening days, personal days, Saint Patrick's Days, Saturdays, snow days, Sundays, Thursdays, Tuesdays, Valentine's Day, Wednesdays, weeks, words of the days.